
Customer Focus Starts with Employee Focus

The contemporary practices of design and innovation have ingrained the importance of customer focus. Whether in Design Thinking, Lean, Business Model Canvas, or even Agile, all of our frameworks, tools, and messaging have stressed the importance of understanding the customer experience and developing a customer-centric culture. Companies are investing greatly in teaching everyone from sales […]


Why Purpose is crucial for Intrapreneurship

“We would have quit a long time ago if this was a normal company project,” he said and looked at me with pride. He was one of a group of intrapreneurs we supported through an intrapreneurs bootcamp for one of our clients. His team had picked quite a challenge to work on, a challenge that […]


Meaning not Mechanics — A human approach to Organizational Transformation

Businesses large and small have traditionally struggled with organizational transformation. This is not surprising. There are two major factors contributing to these struggles: Organizations have mostly focused on the mechanics of transformation instead of the meaning Organizations have neglected the deep personal impact transformation has on people’s lives and the significant emotional investment that is […]


How can you cultivate an Innovation Mindset?

Much of what has been written about innovation is about the mechanics of it. It doesn’t matter if it is top-down or bottom-up. Innovation doesn’t happen either way. Innovation happens from the inside out. All real innovations happen because of an individual. It is self-motivated, personal passion (without being given direction or orders or measures […]


Innovation starts with “i”

Personal Transformation as the foundation for creating an innovative organizational culture You might have heard the story about a Zen master who is visited by a Buddhist scholar. The scholar had requested the master to teach him about Zen. As they sat down together, the master began to prepare tea while the scholar began to […]