
A Framework for Self-Sustaining Innovation

Innovation leaders today don’t have an easy job. Tasked with bringing Innovation to their organization, they often face a variety of interpretations of innovation throughout the organization, a lack of comprehensive understanding of what innovation really entails, and what it requires to truly embed innovation in a way that it sustains itself. To equip innovation […]


Designing a Culture of Innovation: Creation Helix

People tend to think of creativity as a mysterious solo act, and they typically reduce products to a single idea: This is a movie about toys, or dinosaurs, or love, they’ll say. However, in filmmaking and many other kinds of complex product development, creativity involves a large number of people from different disciplines working effectively […]


The Future of Working Summit

On March 20, 2015 together with our partners from Hummingbird Labs we gathered a group of future thinkers at the Vodafone Innovation Center in San Francisco, to evolve ideas around the Future of Working. The one-day summit was focused around key future trends and resulted in a sixty page document available for download. From our partner Tirza Hollenhorst […]


Thoughts on Narratives for the Future of Working

Why we need radically new stories to create the planetary culture we want to live and work in We define ourselves through stories. As individuals and as groups, as organizations, as nations and as humanity as a whole. Stories — and the archetypes invoked in them — serve as the foundation for how we operate. At the beginning of […]


How can you cultivate an Innovation Mindset?

Much of what has been written about innovation is about the mechanics of it. It doesn’t matter if it is top-down or bottom-up. Innovation doesn’t happen either way. Innovation happens from the inside out. All real innovations happen because of an individual. It is self-motivated, personal passion (without being given direction or orders or measures […]


Innovation starts with “i”

Personal Transformation as the foundation for creating an innovative organizational culture You might have heard the story about a Zen master who is visited by a Buddhist scholar. The scholar had requested the master to teach him about Zen. As they sat down together, the master began to prepare tea while the scholar began to […]